Once you've registered with Library Support, you can book a Library Support study space at the Arts and Social Sciences Library via the Library Support webpage (the red block link on the right), which will take you to this booking portal. You can use this booking page to check the availability of the space as well as place bookings.
All Library Support room bookings are mediated by a staff member between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, in order to double-check eligibility. If you are making a booking outside of these hours, please be patient as staff may not have had the opportunity to review your booking.
Eligible users have a booking allowance of 30 slots per week (which is equivalent to 30+ hours). If you have any questions about any of these spaces or the seat booking procedure, or if you're not sure if you're registered with Library Support, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Library Support team - here are their contact details: