How can I find a thesis in the library?

Physical copies of theses/dissertations in the libraries

  • The Library website's 'Theses and dissertations' page (can be found in the drop-down menu in the 'Find books, articles and more') lists all the locations of physical copies of theses and dissertations (
  • The above web page also includes links to 'Explore Bristol Research' and 'EThOS' - useful to navigate our users to this page
  • Library Search should show all catalogued physical copies of theses (and theses deposited to PURE, except for most recent ones)
Online theses/dissertations
  • Library Search - for print copies (up to 2018) and digital copies (from 2018)
  • Explore Bristol Research - for theses submitted to PURE (including recent theses which are yet to be added to WMS/Library Search)
  • EThOS - for theses digitised by British Library (E-theses Online Service)
  • Online card catalogue - for old theses (we could also ask RR to check their physical registers)
For more details, please see each item below:
Library Search (WMS)
  • Print doctoral & masters theses/dissertations held by the UOB libraries (including Research Reserve)
  • Including link to digital copies provided by PURE
  • If there is a record of a thesis (title, author and abstract) on EThOS, a link to ILL request page will be shown when an item held by British Library is clicked (it does not mean a digital copy is available: ILL team will advise accordingly)  
  • Data is imported from PURE every month (on the 23rd)
  • For print copies, the year of publication (on WMS/Library Search) might not be the same as the date of submission (on the thesis spine) (e.g. in the Queens Library)
  • All UOB PhD and research masters theses/dissertations are submitted digitally to PURE (Thesis Repository) since Sept 2018 (except for those failed to submit and those applied for deferral). Taught masters dissertations are not included.
Explore Bristol Research
  • Theses/dissertations deposited to PURE
  • Data is imported from PURE immediately after a thesis is validated
EThoS (British Library)
  • All doctoral theses i.e. PhD/MD/EngD/EdD/DEdPsy/DDS/DSocSci (no masters) provided by PURE (updated on an ad-hoc basis)
  • Includes theses digitised by EThOS on request 
Online card catalogue: old print theses
Proquest Dissertations & Theses index: title and abstract of print research masters dissertations (not recent)