Can I use UoB Libraries if I'm not a UoB member?

Yes, we have the following schemes for accessing the library if you are not a member of the University of Bristol:

Please see our website (, or read below for further information.


Day Reader

  • Day Reader passes are available for the Arts and Social Sciences Library only.
  • They allow anyone over sixteen to consult our physical collections.
  • Material held at another library location can be sent to the Arts and Social Sciences Library for consultation (please allow 5 working days). Up to 5 books can be requested via this form:

Please see our website for details -



Students from most UK universities can access our library through the SCONUL Access scheme.

  • Their university must be a member of the scheme - please see here for institutions that participate in SCONUL Access:
  • Students from a SCONUL Access institution will need to apply on to verify their university-affiliated status.
  • We allow full-time, on-campus undergraduates from SCONUL Access universities into the Arts and Social Sciences Library if they present us with their SCONUL authorisation email and university ID card (from 8am to 8pm only).
  • All other types of student and staff are eligible for a library card with the ability to borrow five books. With a SCONUL borrowing card, users can access the Arts and Social Sciences Library and the Wills Library during staffed hours. Please apply on our website -



Alumni can apply for:

  • Visitor card (free), allowing access to the Arts and Social Sciences Library and the Wills Library during staffed hours
  • Borrowing card (£60 per year), allowing access to the Arts and Social Sciences Library and the Wills Library and the ability to borrow up to 20 books simultaneously

You can apply on our website:


Corporate memberships

Bristol-based companies can apply to use our physical collections for a fee. Email to learn more about our corporate memberships.


Paid external membership (‘Borrower’s Card’)

For researchers with a strong need to continuously use our collection, we offer a paid borrowing card. Email for an application form.