I am new student / staff, why don't I have a Library Account yet?

Please be aware that the following actions must have happened before your library account is generated (even if you are working remotely). It can then take up to 7 days for your library account to generate. If you have any problems with access after this you can email lib-access@bristol.ac.uk or email Card Services directly at card-services@bristol.ac.uk (this may be a quicker route).


The student must have registered online, started their course and uploaded a photo:


They then need to have their card printed (either by picking it up from Card Services or emailing card-services@bristol.ac.uk).



Staff need to have started and uploaded a photo: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/cardservices/photo-upload-instructions/

They then need to have their card printed (either by picking it up from Card Services or emailing card-services@bristol.ac.uk).


You can access online resources if you do not have a library account as long as you have registered and have a working University of Bristol login and email address.