I'm a sixth-form student studying for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), can I use the library for my research?

Our physical collections are open to inquisitive researchers and the wider academic community, including local A-Level students. If you need to access our physical collections for your own research or use desk space to work while researching, then you may be eligible for a Day Reader pass. 

Here's some more info:


Day Reader

  • Day Reader passes are available for the Arts and Social Sciences Library only.
  • They allow anyone over sixteen to consult our physical collections. 
  • You will need to bring a form of ID.
  • Material held at another library location can be sent to the Arts and Social Sciences Library for consultation (please allow 5 working days). Up to 5 books can be requested via this form: https://libraryservices.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/book-retrieval-service

Please see our website for details - bristol.ac.uk/library/use/visitor-access/day-reader